Freebie – easy stool

I’ll be adding a weekly version of Freebie files. Enjoy

(link has been fixed and updated)

This is a modified stool that I first made with a Shaper Origin. Great handheld cnc.

This is an easy piece of furniture, to get you started.

This is designed for 3/4 inch thick plywood. adjust as necessary to get this correct. Remember, the picture shows the original version with the single top, but i’ve since added a 2nd top and overlapped them.

The vectic aspire file has all the cuts in to pocket .25 deep, so that the total top height will be 1 inch when glued together. This is easy and I cut on my shapeoko, but used scraps, so that i have not cut this size file. should be no issue.

If you do make this, please email picture to and i’ll post the pictures to this blog. It is nice to see what all the great woodworkers can build.