Freebie – windows search program (11/13/20)

Sorry about being late with posting but life got busy. I’ll keep up the Freebie files, so enjoy.

This falls under that category of “I need a way to do something that is better” Windows searchs are painful or worse. Have you ever saved a file in windows, or accidently dragged it into another folder and can’t find it? Well, this will solve your issues, and as it says above, Freebie.

This is the best search engine that i have found.

install, well click the link above and choose Download Installer


Download Installer 64 bit.

If you don’t know which one, choose download installer. Just hit Enter for any question and accept the defaults.

after it installs, you can setup extra drives if you like, under Tools and Options. The bulk will be setup under NTFS tab.

Make sure it looks like this with these boxes checked at the top of the page

If you have network drives to add, add those under Folders tab.

next set up exclude folders, click on Exclude tab.

tell it ok and you are set

it will start to index the drives. depending on speed and type of drive, it may take up to 10 minutes. you can close this and it will continue to run in the background

To find this and add icon to desktop for quick access, click the show hidden icons button button in bottom right of screen.

you should get something like this

Now click on the icon with the orange magnifying glass(search everything) and drag onto the bar where the arrow is at.

when finished, it should be on the bar for easy access

When it comes up and runs, it looks like this

not very exciting yet, but we are getting there.

Now, when you loose that vcarve or aspire file and want to find it, go to the bar and type in *.crv* . Now you should have complete list of all the vectric files on your computer. That quick and easy.

Now, say you want to fine the vcarve file with disney in the name. Add a space after the *.crv* and it will filter down to those files.

*.crv* disney

And for even more fun, you can save this search and pull it up later.

With the search pulled up like you want, go to bookmarks and Add bookmarks(or CTRL – D). Before clicking OK, change the name to something like disney vcarve files.

Same for ngc files for gcode. *.ngc shows all the onefinity gcode files on my computer. and if i want to load that file into the browser for onefnity, i can right click the file and Copy full name to clipboard.

C:\Users\lmims\Dropbox\heart walnut small.ngc

This was what was copied to my clipboard when I right clicked on heart walnut small.ngc file and copy full name to clipboard.

For the onfinity people this is a great help. in the browser connected to my machine, click open file.

Now, i’m not in the right folder to pick up that file, but if i paste into that open dialog, i get the file pasted into the correct location to open that file.

press enter and that file loads on my onefinity.

I can see the right file loaded by name and it looks like the correct file in the simulation.

Easy to load. I keep Search Everything on my computer in the shop and use dropbox, i can save the file to dropbox, and in a few clicks find that file, copy and open in uccnc for my cnc4newbie machine. That easy to keep my machines humming along and find the file that i accidently saved in the wrong directory.