Vectric – Add auto open notes to your files.

Ever do like i do and open an old vcarve or aspire file and suddenly you can’t remember what you where doing exactly, what the layers were, what the color codes are? Well, i make a lot of files, so I forget what i was doing, or why i rev’d the version.

Now, you can add notes that will autoopen when the file is opened next time.

facebook link to vectric video on notes

After creating a file, or ready to put a note in an existing file, go to menu edit –> Notes. This is your notes. if you want it to auto open, type “.” first, then the note, anything else and the notes will be there, but not auto open.

This is a good place to describe what the layers are: maybe text on text layer that is editable and text on vtext layer that contains a copy of the text that is converted to vector. This would allow for changes in the future to use as a template file. delete the stuff on vtext layer, edit the text layer and then copy the stuff on text to vtext. Convert vtext to vectors.

Toolpaths are selected by using vector selector and do this by layers. Remember to associate the click associate with toolpath. Now the changer above will be calculated when you recalculate all. Now you will be ready to create gcode.

This information will help if you know this from your notes file. Add a bit to describe in order what to do. Next time you open, it pops up to remind you of that.

Thanks to Vectric for this tip for facebook.